
I’ve released my old AutoResequencer source [here]. It’s a tool that will help you sort large quantities of files. Most useful if you’re a game developer, or have lots of pictures named similarly.

That’s all for now!

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Published 2018-04-29 18:27:00

YouTube Downloader updated!

The downloader has been updated with more functionality! In this release:

– The program will now re-search for album art if you change the title or artist after the initial search. It will not auto-add the art if you change it manually.

– Fixed a bug where it would replace what you manually set in the “album” input field.

– Fixed a bug in the auto-updater code. If your version isn’t seeing the new release, pick up the latest copy [here].

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Published 2018-03-16 22:28:01

New mobile game in the works!

A new mobile game based off of one of my Newgrounds games and incorporating some of the gameplay from my recent gamejam game is currently in development! Expect that soon-ish.

Additionally, one of my older projects is getting closer to completion. I’ll release screenshots and things when it gets a little closer, partner willing.

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Published 2017-10-10 09:47:50